There will be 11U Lakers tryouts upcoming. The team is going to be coached by Joey Zanni, Chris Courtis and Trevor Lind. We will be holding a tryout as per below.
11U Lakers - open to anyone born after April 30, 2013
Sunday, September 8, 2024 at 12pm at George Burke Park Major Diamond
Once we have a complete list of kids parents will be emailed with the time for their child’s tryout depending on numbers there maybe two groups.
Please share the date with anyone that you know who may be interested. I would ask that anyone interested in coming to the tryout please email Joey Zanni ( with your child's name, DOB, and the level that they played at last year as we do not want to be unprepared the day of. If you have any questions please let us know. We hope to see as many athletes out as possible and keep growing the game of baseball.
Thank you,
11U Lakers Coaches
For additional Laker tryout information please visit P.A. Nationals - Lakers Tryout Dates (
THANK YOU to everyone involved in Westfort Little League this year!
Thanks to all the players, parents, fans, coaches, umpires, executive, and concession staff for making this season season a HUGE success. Without each one of you we would not have been able to make it happen.
We made a big comeback with our highly successful Junior division this year and look forward to continuing to flourish and grow next season!
With 5 full weeks left, the season is going great. Although the weather has been a bit of a challenge, the many youth umpires have be fabulous, the games have been competitive, the players are improving and we look forward to the second half of the season!
Thank you to the entire Westfort family!
Our first Major games of the season were awesome! Very close scores and some great baseball!
Umpires were great as usual.
Follow us on Facebook @ Westfort Internationals
For additional information email
The 2024 season is full speed ahead!
Our house league season will run from the beginning of May until the end of July. Games will begin right after the Victoria Day weekend. Games will continue until our house league windup at the end of July. Tee Ball and Coach Pitch will begin games the first week of June and run until the last week of July.
Registration now CLOSED!
Please make sure that you register your child in the correct age group. Please see the following for correct baseball age:
Click Here for Little League Age Calculator
Please ensure that your child is eligible to for play at Westfort Little League (see League boundary requirements on registration page). No residnetial boudnariues for Junior
All registrants must acknowledge that they read and understand the Rowan's Law Concussion Awareness document that is age appropriate for the player. Please view this information PRIOR to beginning the registration process.
Click here to review the Rowan's Law Concussion Awareness Information.
Game Days: Dates are subject to changeSome additional games for Minor, Major, and Junior divisions will be added on Sunday evenings based upon number of teams, rain outs, and other circumstances. Practice days are at the discretion of the individual team coaches.
Online Registration CLOSED:
click the “Registration Info” tab or visit here
Age Groups:
T Ball - ages 4 (as of May 27, 2024) to 6 years and Coach Pitch - ages 6 to 8 years:
Fee $90
South side residential boundaries apply (visit here)
Minor - ages 8 to 10 years and Major - ages 11 to 12 years:
Fee $110
South side residential boundaries apply (visit here)
Junior - ages 13 to 15 years:
Fee $150
NO residential boundaries apply for Junior Division – CITY WIDE
Fund raising is Mandatory for all divisions.
Thank you for your ongoing commitment to Westfort Little League Baseball
Follow us on Facebook @ Westfort Internationals
For additional information email